District Lodge 140 wins massive payouts for mass layoffs at Swissport Vancouver

Vancouver, BC – IAM District 140 filed two grievances after mass layoffs at Swissport Vancouver and has won them in a show of perseverance over two years. The first grievance was filed at the end of 2020 when the Company paid out the members for their unused sick and personal days as per the CBA. The Company decided to pro-rate the payments based on the months of service worked in

When everything happens at the same time, IAM members still deliver!

It’s been a historically busy year for negotiations with IAMAW Automotive Trades Local 544 in Newfoundland, as 7 out their 10 contracts all expired at around the same time. Matt Barnable, Grand Lodge Representative, tasked with negotiating this many contacts, said, “The automotive sector has seen unprecedented times over the last couple years. Employers have cited major inventory and parts issues since COVID-19, so we knew negotiations coming up would

Training IAM members - Quebec Officer’s Training

More than 22 members participated this past week in the “Roles and Responsibilities of Local Officers” training. “Participants from locals 869, 1751, 1758, 1660 and 712 are part of their respective executive or hold a position and it is important that all members understand their duties but also their responsibilities as administrators of their locals,” said Michel Richer, Quebec Co-ordinator, who gave the training, along with Grand Lodge Auditor Robert

IAM continues to meet with Ontario NDP – new leader update

With Davenport MPP Marit Stiles, set to be the next leader of the Ontario NDP, the IAM congratulates Marit and has committed to working with her on issues crucial to Ontario workers, their families and their communities. The NDP will hold a vote to confirm the leader in March 2023. The NDP Caucus proudly stood with thousands of education workers who stood up for each other, their students, and parents in

Kim Valliere Appointed Canadian Special Representative

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. has appointed Kim Valliere as a Special Representative assigned to Ontario Canada starting January 1, 2023. Valliere will be responsible for providing service and support to our members in Ontario. A 32-year IAM member, Sister Valliere became a member of IAM Local Lodge 2330 (now Local Lodge 103) in 1990, when she was hired by Long Manufacturing (Dana Canada) in Cambridge, Ontario. She became

Select Luxury Items Tax - 2,000 jobs at risk in the Canadian aerospace sector

Press Release For immediate release Select Luxury Items Tax – 2,000 jobs at risk in the Canadian aerospace sector Montreal, December 8, 2022 – The Government of Canada’s Select Luxury Items Tax would threaten at least 2,000 direct jobs in the Canadian aerospace sector, according to Jacques Roy, professor in the Department of Logistics and Operations Management at HEC Montréal. The IAMAW is calling on the federal government to review the

Members of LL 235 at Mettler Toledo in the GTA ratify new agreement in hybrid vote

Toronto, ON – A hybrid vote resulted in the ratification of a new 3-year Collective Agreement for IAM Local Lodge 235 members working at Mettler Toledo. “Due to the efforts of the bargaining committee of Robert Gardner, Aaron Miller, and Chris Kelly, the membership was engaged throughout the process,” said Eric Johnston, IAM District 78 Business Representative. “These have been challenging times, but we met those challenges.” The efforts of

IAM Local 1722 at Diamond International Truck ratify memorandum

Edmonton, AB – Members from IAM Local 1722 ratified a Memorandum of Agreement which will bring labour peace until 2025. Although it took time to negotiate, the Bargaining Committee and the Business Representative worked hard to finalise it. “I would like to thank the Bargaining Committee of Cody Mahar and John Schamber, as well as the members for all their hard work and dedication,” said Kyle Franzen, Business Representative, IAM

IAM LL1722 ratifies contract with Wajax Power Systems

05 December, 2022 Edmonton, AB – IAM Local Lodge 1722 in Edmonton concluded a successful ratification to their new 3-year contract. The Bargaining Committee, consisting of Trent Mills, Lori Fairbrother and Curtis Davis, together with Kyle Franzen – Business Representative, needed only four days of bargaining and one day of mediation. “I would like to thank the entire team for a job well done,” said Kyle Franzen, BR. “Their tireless

Winpisinger Center Announces Inaugural Education Conference

The Winpisinger Center is excited to announce the call for the inaugural IAM Education Conference, to be held Sunday, March 26 through Friday, March 31, 2023, at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD. The conference will provide an opportunity for IAM educators at all levels to learn and share training techniques, materials, and strategies. Local or District educators, members of education committees, and other Local,