
Petition to the House of Commons – “Stolen Sisters”

HAUT WHEREAS: The Native Women’s Association of Canada, as part of their Sisters in Spirit campaign, has identified 520 missing and murdered Aboriginal women whose cases go back to 1970; the equivalent in the whole Canadian population would be 18,000 missing or murdered women. This research has convinced the following Canadians that violence against Aboriginal women must be stopped and that we need to find the strategies, resources and tools

Shameful passing of Columbia-Canada Free-Trade deal

HAUT The Liberals this week closed ranks with the Conservatives in passing legislation that brought two years of vigorous public debate to an end—and finalized a free trade deal alongside a new human rights agreement with Colombia that civil society leaders say lowers the bar on human rights.“This new human rights agreement is empty. It does nothing to repair Canada’s sullied human rights reputation in the world,” said Gerry Barr,

Sign the Declaration of the Voices-Voix Coalition

HAUT Since 2006 the Government of Canada has systematically undermined democratic institutions and practices, and has eroded the protection of free speech, and other fundamental human rights. It has deliberately set out to silence the voices of organizations or individuals who raise concerns about government policies or disagree with government positions. SIGN HERE

Deceptive domain name renewal notices

Hello all, IAM members who have registered domains are being sent this warning. It looks like more and more of people are falling for Domain Registry of Canada scam. Please be aware of DECEPTIVE DOMAIN NAME RENEWAL INVOICES. These can arrive by postal mail, fax, or email and look like an official invoice. Some appear like official government notices like your tax notices appear. These invoices indicate that your domain

Take action on SMS

HAUT Why would Transport Canada introduce a process without ICAO’s regulatory oversight requirement and allow industry to manage safety, and risk the lives of passengers flying on Canadian aircraft without a second layer of oversight. To date Transport Canada has had second thoughts about introducing SMS into the business aviation sector in Canada, citing many excuses for their decision. One of the answers from the IAMAW has been to document

CUPE 2745 goes on Hungry for Fairness strike

HAUT Members of CUPE 2745, the Education Support Staff in New Brunswick, began a five-day hunger strike on Monday, May 24 to bring attention to the lack of fairness and respect they receive from their employer. CUPE 2745 represents nearly 3,300 members who are educational and clerical support staff in New Brunswick schools and School District offices for the Department of Education. Our membership includes Teacher Assistants, School Secretaries/Clerical, Library

Abousfian Abdelrazik: Put the pressure on! Break the silence!

HAUT Project Fly Home invites you to join us over the next six months as we wage an intense campaign focused on three specific demands, which we hope will help move us towards the abolition of the 1267 List and challenge the racist national security agenda as a whole. If this campaign is successful, Mr. Abdelrazik will be able to mark this upcoming one-year of his return with his fundamental

Open Letter to Harper Regarding First Nations University

Open Letter to Harper Regarding First Nations University April 2010 To: The Hon. Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada Dear Prime Minister: In June 2008 you did what no prime minister before has been willing to do – offer an apology to former students of Indian residential schools. In that apology you noted that “Two primary objectives of the residential schools system were to remove and isolate children from the

Sign the Safe Skies petition

HAUT New – Sign the Petiton In recent years, Transport Canada has been quietly transferring oversight responsibility and the burden of liability to companies and workers in the aviation industry. This shift has played out while implementing Safety Management Systems (SMS). Link to

AVIVA: The value of one, the power of many

HAUT Aviva Traders Canada The value of one. The power of many. IAMAW Group Home & Auto Insurance Program. Discover the difference & start saving today! Take full advantage of your union’s exclusive access to discounted rates for both your home and auto insurance needs. Why choose the Group? In addition to preferred group rates, IAMAW has access to the following products and services: Group buying power with additional discounts