Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

By Carlos Dacosta
IAM Canadian Airline Coordinator

Several years ago, the Minister of Transport announced that Transport Canada will be conducting a regulatory review to modernize and improve how they deliver their transportation system that is safe, secure and efficient.  The review includes updating and improving the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) to strengthen safety and better support innovation and economic growth in Canada.

The Canada Transportation Act sets out Canada’s National Transportation Policy, which is to provide a competitive, economic and efficient national transportation system that meets the highest possible safety and security standards while contributing to a sustainable environment, and to advance the well-being of Canadians and enable competitiveness and economic growth in both urban and rural areas throughout Canada.  Unfortunately this is where the IAM has concerns as Transport Canada doesn’t always do so with the best interests of our members who work in aviation.

As a result on May 26, 2016 the Canadian Transportation Agency launched an initiative to review and modernize the full suite of regulations it administers.

Canada’s National Transportation Policy, as declared in the Canada Transportation Act (CTA), is intended to “serve the needs of its users, advance the well-being of Canadians and enable competitiveness and economic growth in both urban and rural areas throughout Canada“.

As an example, this agency:

  • issues licenses to operate publicly available air services;
  • administers an international charter regime, including permits and flight notifications;
  • authorizes the use of aircraft and crew of other carriers;
  • participates in bilateral air transport agreement negotiations;
  • regulates air price advertising;
  • inspects air carriers and facilities; and,
  • facilitates and adjudicates certain air related complaints.

Since the introduction of this initiative in 2016, this regulatory review has been conducted in several stages, and submissions for the final stage is set to close on December 17, 2018.

The Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) aims to complete consultations and draft modernized regulations for all components of this initiative by the end of 2019.

Click on links below to read several IAM submissions sent to the Government in the past 2 years.

IAM Submission to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities on Aviation Safety
IAM Submission to Transport Canada in response to the Canada Transportation Act Review Report

Now the rest lies with those in charge of reading the submissions to make the right decisions to benefit our members working in the air transport industry across Canada.