Basic Newsletter Development Class November 13-18, 2016

July 29, 2016

Subj:    Basic Newsletter Development Class November 13-18, 2016 at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center

To All District Lodge Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers, Local Lodge Presidents and Recording Secretaries, TCU Carmen Division Officers, National Representatives, Assistant National Representatives and Local Lodge Officers


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

This is the Official Call for the 2016 Basic Newsletter Development course at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center at Placid Harbor in Hollywood, Maryland. The class will be held November 13-18, and is the only Basic Newsletter Development course scheduled for 2016.

The Basic Newsletter Development course will teach new editors how to start and publish a newsletter. Students will obtain hands-on desktop publishing experience by creating their own newsletter using Microsoft Publisher software.

New to this year’s class is an emphasis on the tools Local and District leaders need to dialogue with members in the smartphone age. Participants will learn how to launch, write and edit an effective email newsletter. They’ll also learn how to operate a mass SMS, or texting, list – the most direct way to reach members when announcing union events. We’ll cover some social media best practices, and how to effectively manage your limited time to communicate most effectively.

Because of the highly-specialized and hands-on training, class size is limited. Participants should complete and return the enclosed Registration Form as soon as possible to ensure a place in this class. Participants must be IAM members in good standing. Contact the Communications Department at (301) 967-4520 if you have any questions.

Applications for the November 13-18 class must be received by the Communications Department no later than September 9, 2016 and must include the Lodge Officer’s signature and Lodge Seal.

Download Call Letter

Download Registration Form