March 23, 2020

COVID-19 Resource centre (CLC)

Canada’s unions are standing with workers and their families during this unprecedented pandemic. It’s time to support one another and join together to ensure that everyone receives the support they need to get through this current crisis. This portal will provide links to our latest statements and actions you can take right now. COVID-19 Resource centre

Social distancing (Public Health Agency of Canada)

Social distancing (infographic) Download the alternative format (PDF format, 247 KB, 1 page) Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada Date published: March 18, 2020 Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by making a conscious effort to keep a physical distance between each other.  Social distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak.  With patience and cooperation, we can

A Message from IP Martinez on the Coronavirus Crisis

Dear Sisters and Brothers, I am writing to you in an environment of fear and uncertainty. Many of our members in the U.S. and Canada have already been impacted by the fallout from the coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic. Undoubtedly, more effects will be felt by our membership, by our two countries and globally as this crisis unfolds. I want to first assure you that the IAM—at every level—is fighting to ensure