December 8, 2017

Machinists ratify new agreement with Hobart

Friday December 8, 2017 For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 235 employed as service technicians, have ratified a new collective agreement with Hobart Canada. The three-year agreement provides wage increases of 2.5 per cent in the first year retroactive to June 28, 2017, 2 per cent in the second year and 2.5 per cent in the third year. Other agreement highlights include; Increased dental benefit

Spreading the word about fairness and precarious work

Barrie, ON – It’s not often a political activist gets to witness the fruits of their labour achieving their intended goal but Dan Janssen not only saw it, he also had the opportunity to speak about it. When the Barrie and District Labour Council was invited to an event where Ontario’s Labour Minister Kevin Flynn would be making announcements regarding how Ontario Bill 148 – The Fair Workplaces/Better Jobs Act